What will I blog?

What will I blog? Anything. Literally. I'll range from book reviews to rants to life obstacles to random thoughts and to just sophisticated nerdiness. (Woo hoo for nerds!) I love my literature, science, sociology, and so on and so forth. So be prepared! Don't say I didn't warn you.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Spanish Night

It's Espanol night!

Breakfast for dinner tonight.     I'm starting to see a pattern here.     Eh, oh well, it's too good not to do. Tonight I did Miriam's Spanish omelette.

Hmmm... an omelette without eggs.   That sounds like an intriguing challenge. 
Let's begin.

These are all the ingredients needed to create my masterpiece.   

I'm not even gonna lie. Omelets in egg form weren't my friends, so needless to say, I was scared to try this one as well.  However, it was delightfully easy to make!  Seriously, it was just sauté veggies and potato for the filling. 

Create the batter with silken tofu, turmeric, garlic, salt, nutritional yeast, milk, tahini, and flour and BAM! 

PROBLEM: I couldn't fold in half. I tried so hard, but it just wasn't my day. 

                   I tried getting the "best angle". 

BEST solution:  Try again another day. 

Trial and errors are so important in the kitchen.  In a small way, it parallels the real world.  Try as you may, failures will happen.  Best you can do is to just to brush it off and try again until you reach success.  Okay--done being philosophical for a the night.

Buenas Noches

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