What will I blog?

What will I blog? Anything. Literally. I'll range from book reviews to rants to life obstacles to random thoughts and to just sophisticated nerdiness. (Woo hoo for nerds!) I love my literature, science, sociology, and so on and so forth. So be prepared! Don't say I didn't warn you.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Breakfast for Dinner?

I have an addiction.  This is my third day in a row in which I have made myself breakfast for dinner. YES, I know!  I can't stop though! I know what you may be thinking.  "Why, Kim?  Why don't you just wake up a little earlier and make it then"? "Stop being lazy, blah-blah-blah" Well, I'll tell you why. 

Chronic Procrastinator.

My name is Kim. I am 22 years old and I have an addiction to procrastination.  

I don't know why I do it. I just do. That being said, let's move on.

Last night was Miriams Scrambled Tofu with Mushrooms.      Ew, did I hear that right? ...but let me tell you something.  IT WAS THE BEST BREAKFAST FOOD EVER! My taste buds had were on fire!  I take back all my prejudgement on this dish and gladly shame myself.  This really set me back a bit to show me that I shouldn't be prejudice.  I like to say I'm not that way overbearingly, but sometimes, a person just can't help themselves to think "hmm, I really don't think I'm gonna like this. At all. Ew, tofu."  However, I take it back. I take it all back. I absolutely love this ambrosial meal! 


I had to buy a few ingredients that I have never even heard of and I was (slightly) frightened that the store wouldn't have them in stock. Lucky for me, they did! Such supplies included tahini and turmeric.

Meat and Dairy eaters:   This is great rendition for scramble eggs! I will Definitely be making this more often than not.

Moral of the store (of this meal anyway): Be open to new things.  Don't go in to any sort of meal with a prejudice mindset, because you never know, it may end up being your favorite after all. 


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