What will I blog?

What will I blog? Anything. Literally. I'll range from book reviews to rants to life obstacles to random thoughts and to just sophisticated nerdiness. (Woo hoo for nerds!) I love my literature, science, sociology, and so on and so forth. So be prepared! Don't say I didn't warn you.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Who You Are

I'm finally bringing myself to blog about what's going on, kind of... I have so much going on in my life right now- hey, who doesn't? I was scrolling through Facebook and came across this video that a friend posted and it COMPLETELY won me over, and not just because it was specific to women. Total God Inspiration.  

Sometimes I catch myself repeating what this man says. "I am a daughter of the living God. Cherished, Loved, and Adored above all things by the creator of all things for the glory of him who is Greater than all things. I AM AWESOME!"
The spoken word is such a powerful thing. I realize that I keep this in my head when I'm struggling with low self-esteem or peer pressure or possibly when I'm feeling lost in who I am. This message is a perfect reminder of who I am in God's eyes.

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