What will I blog?

What will I blog? Anything. Literally. I'll range from book reviews to rants to life obstacles to random thoughts and to just sophisticated nerdiness. (Woo hoo for nerds!) I love my literature, science, sociology, and so on and so forth. So be prepared! Don't say I didn't warn you.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Why I'm Shaving my Head.

St. Baldricks. An organization dedicated to funding pediatric cancer research. More children are lost to cancer in the U.S. than any other disease—in fact, more than many other childhood diseases combined, as stated from their website.  Childhood cancers are not related to lifestyle factors, and little can be done to prevent them, which makes them seem so even more cruel than adult cancers. Plus, they only spend 2% of the donations on staff management.  How could I not support this?  I've always wanted to help fund an important cause when I had the time and/or money.  Part of this organizations known trademark is the signature head shaving that's optional, but it goes to show dedication and full support to help fighting cancer.

After explaining to someone that I'm participating in this, they always gives me "the look"- oh come on, you know this look...eyebrows raised, eyes bugging out of their sockets, slight head nod, pursed lips.... and ask "Really? Huh...." (Of course I know they are initially shocked at my choice)Followed by "So you're really shaving your head? Why?... Couldn't you do without that?...Your hair is so pretty as it is...You'll look different you know.." ... and there it is.   There it is.     Looks.    
It's just hair.
Human hair that will grow back.
Just because it's being buzzed off doesn't mean it won't grow back.
If children and adolescents have to be bald without a choice in phases of their life where self-esteem and trying to fit in are important to them, then why can't I voluntarily make the transition easier for them to show my support?  It helps remind me to stop being so vain.  Shaving my head will not only send a message that I'm supporting pediatric cancer research, but I also hope that it  sends a message of inner beauty.  That a person doesn't need hair on their head to be pretty or to define them. Beauty is on the inside--yes, I know.  Ugh... cliche..... I hate cliches, but it is still true nonetheless.   It's a person's personality that shows how unique and special they are to others. Real Absolute Beauty.

Help Donate.
Help make a difference.
Help save lives.

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